Culture and Congregational Communities

As Servant-Leaders in our congregations, we are constantly challenged to be relevant to the world around us. We are not only concerned with social issues, but also with how we express our faith in Christ Jesus through our actions and words. We seek to align our values and beliefs with the reality of our daily lives, and to share the gospel with those we encounter along the way.

 Today, I want to remind you of the incredible calling we have as servants of the Lord in our congregations. We are not simply here to go through the motions of religious rituals or to fill the pews on Sunday mornings. No, we are called to be relevant to the world around us, to be the light that shines in the darkness, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities.

 In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, it can be challenging to know how to express our faith in a way that resonates with others. We should not let fear disable us though. ABBA has equipped us with everything we need to fulfill our calling in Christ Jesus. We have the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, guiding our words and actions, and empowering us to make a difference.

We must remember that our faith is not meant to be confined within the walls of our churches. It is meant to be lived out in our daily lives, in our workplaces, in our schools, and in our neighborhoods. Our faith must be visible in the way we treat others, in our acts of kindness and compassion, and in our unwavering commitment to justice and righteousness.

Do not underestimate the impact you can have on those around you. Your words of encouragement, your acts of love, and your willingness to listen and empathize can make a world of difference to someone who is hurting or searching for meaning. Your faith in action can be a powerful testimony of God's love and grace.

 In the same manner we must also remember that being relevant does not mean compromising our values or diluting the truth of the gospel. We must stand firm in our beliefs and convictions, and boldly proclaim the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus. We do not need to conform to the ways of the world, but rather, we are called to be a transformative force within it.

 As we strive to be relevant in our world, let us continually seek God's guidance and wisdom. Let us pray for discernment and listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Let us be open to new ideas and approaches and be willing to adapt and change as needed. And above all, let us never forget that our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God and to point others to the hope and redemption found in Jesus Christ.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, we must move forward with confidence and courage, knowing that we have been called and equipped for such a time as this. Let us be relevant in our faith, living out the gospel in tangible ways, and sharing the love of Christ with all whom we encounter. May our lives be a testament to the transforming power of God's grace, and may we continue to be a beacon of hope in a world that so desperately needs it.

May God bless you abundantly as you fulfill your calling as servant-leaders in our congregations.

In Christ's love, 

~ Bishop Robin Michael Beach

   Founder The Way Fellowship Northwest Arkansas



The Call of Our Days