Meet the Team
And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-16
Robin Michael & Beckey Beach Senior Leaders
Robin and Beckey are the founders of The Way Fellowship Northwest Arkansas and are lifelong members of the Fayetteville Community. Having raised 5 grown sons Robin & Beckey have the hearts of parents and know the importance of Generational Continuity. Beckey has been in Executive Human Resources at Tyson Foods for 30 years and truly has a deep understanding of people. Her kind and compassionate heart is quickly recognizable, and she is always the encourager sharing her gentle wisdom with all she engages. Robin is a Professor of Theology and Counseling at World Bible School University and maintains the helm of the teaching position sharing his deep knowledge of scripture, history, and culture from some very unique perspectives. Robin and Beckey share the same passion and love for people and desire each one to grow in the knowledge of Grace that Christ Jesus has so wonderfully provided for humanity. "We are truly honored to be able to serve alongside the amazing family Abba has given us here, and hope that you'll join us in this tremendous journey as lovers and fascinated explorers of the Love of God"!
The Yedid Family
Miss Yedid has this to say, "Having overcome the hardships of relationship abuse and trauma, I have emerged as a completely transformed individual. Through my journey of recovery and redemption, I have found solace in His word, which acts as a guiding lamp for my feet and a radiant light for my path. Now, my heart resonates with an overwhelming sense of joy, as I embrace His likeness and image as His cherished daughter of praise. The Beach family has truly shown us the true essence of discipleship and the significance of fostering a deep connection with ABBA. We are forever grateful for discovering a place we can truly call home. In this place called home we know that there is no need for trying to find the "next big thing". It is just knowing Abba's kindness and care. We hope to share that with you!
Jim & Heidi Turner
After spending several years as single parents, Jim and Heidi found each other in 2017. Accepting Jesus as the Lord and head of their family, they have grown tremendously in each season of our lives. Heidi has this to say, "We've met people along the way that we now call family. It is our hearts desire to give back the same love and support we have been shown through the gift of awareness of our Savior, Jesus Christ Robin and Becky Beach have been a tremendous blessing to us since we first met in 2019. They have a passion for speaking the word of God into the lives of those around them and have truly blessed us with the knowledge of the truth of Christ. By having the heart to speak into our lives, pray for us, and pray with us, it has had a huge impact on who we are today. Because of the love they have shown to us and knowing what it has done in our lives, we see the importance of doing the same for others. We look forward to sharing this love with you!
Eric & Renee White
Eric is a plumber by trade, and his wife Ranee is a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher to their 4 children. They are active in a motorcycle ministry called Priesthood. Eric and Ranee have this to say, "We strive to put the Lord first in everyday life. In 2016 we were radically changed with an encounter with the Living God. As we journey this life with Holy Spirit illuminating our path we continually realize how desperately we need His presence to transform us into Christlike parents. The fruit the Spirit is bearing in our lives has become increasingly evident in our hearts as we behold the Father’s love. The seeds of that fruit are being planted in the good soil of our 4 beautiful children. Presence-centered parents will produce healthy homes. As the family structure is restored in righteousness and love the community will begin to taste and see the goodness of God and culture will begin to shift in our sphere. We are the sons and daughters calling home sons and daughters to step into the identity and calling the Father has for them. We want to welcome you to join us!"
Pat & Hannah Cahill
Pat and Hannah live with their two daughters in Northwest Arkansas. Pat grew up in Oklahoma and Hannah has lived in Northwest Arkansas since she was three. They have been on a transformative journey of discovery into the heart of the Father in recent years. Hannah has this to say " I was raised in the church, and I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 7. I knew of Jesus, but I never knew Him. Life happened and I went astray in my teenage years. Years later after many hardships and trials I had an encounter with Love himself. He met me right where I was, and everything changed. It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. A year after this encounter God led us to a church in Northwest Arkansas where we met Robin and Beckey Beach. There was an instant connection, and I knew this was my family that Abba had so graciously brought us into. A family that loves unconditionally and is after Gods heart. God is continuing to grow this family and we are so blessed to be a part of it. We welcome you to join us on this journey!